Saturday 23 August 2014

A little bit of chit-chat

Hi there,
It is the third time I started writing this post since I forgot to save it twice.
So well this post isn't anime related sorry for that, but today I decided to just talk about unimportant shit since that is always a nice thing to do.
So first of all, it's 9:51 am and I'm sitting in a car rn, on my way to Amsterdam where I'll be staying today and tomorrow. I'll be going together with my grandma, mum and sister.
We're going shopping today and tomorrow we're gonna visit Het Rijksmuseum. 
I'm looking forward to it!

The second thing I wanna share with you is that two days ago I went into town with a friend since she needed a new pair of jeans.
After said friend bought a pait of Cheap Monday jeans we went eating and drinking something at Bagels & Beans: a blueberry muffin and ice tea green tea, and let me tell you, I love blueberry muffins, love.
After that we went to the little comic store that sells manga here, I'm lucky to have one since this town doesn't actually have so many stores.
In said comic store I bought the fourth Volume of Nabari no Ou.
I got Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 13 now, don't ask me why I skipped all the way to volume 10 and then went to 13 I don't even know it myself tbh, I just liked the covers of them.
Here's a pic of Volume 4:

It's a blurry picture but it's the only one I made of it and since I didn't take the manga with me to Amsterdam I can't make a better picture rn.
I think that this is the "ugliest" cover of the manga series yet, since I don't really like Raimei's pigtails and clothes idk, I like the ones with the guys on it better.

A few days ago I also started watching a show on netflix called New Girl.
The show was aired in 2011 but I had never watched it before.
And now let me tell you, it is addicting, just like Sherlock, don't even get me started on Sherlock.
At first I just watched two or so episodes (they last 20 minutes) a day but yesterday I kind of watched the rest of the first season which has a total of 25 episodes so well yeah.
It's about a weird girl who starts to live with three even weirder guys, and every episode is just about their regular lives and stuff.
It's a romcom show and it's very funny, it really gives you a boost whenever you're sad.
The girl is played by Zooey Deschanel and one of the guys by Jake Johnson, and I like both of them a lot so that's mainly why I'm so addicted. 
I'll show you a pic of one of the guys, Schmidt, who is wearing a plastic bag because he has to shower and his broken penis (yes he actually broke his penis don't ask) isn't allowed to get wet so he has to keep it dry by wearing a waterproof plastic bag, basically.

And well I guess that's all I have to say really, this was a shit post the next one will be betyer, I hope you enjoyed reading it just a little bit tho.

Umi is out byebye ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Slashable anime recommendation: Nabari no Ou

Hi there,
after three years of pondering what my second blog post should be about I decided on writing a little slashable anime recommendation. 
I actually wanted to make a list but my post would be too long if I did that since I'm gonna put a shitload of text underneath my recommendation (pairings, summary, genres, personal opinion and pictures) and I don't want my post to be too long.
Sooo, I decided to just recommend you my favorite (slashable) anime: Nabari no Ou.
For people who don't know what a slashable anime is, it is an anime with shounen-ai/yaoi undertones but isn't officially a shounen-ai. 
If you don't know what shounen-ai is then just get out of here and never come back.
No jk, for the people who don't know what shounen-ai is click here.
Now you all know the definition of slashable and shounen-ai I can start with my recommendation:

- Nabari no Ou with the pairings:
 Miharu x Yoite

 Gau x Raikou

Summary of the story:
Silent, apathetic, yet mischievous, 14-year-old Rokujou Miharu is the bearer of the hijutsu, "Shinrabanshou," a powerful technique many ninja clans desire to possess to become the ruler of Nabari.
Fellow classmate Kouichi and his English teacher Kumohira are both secretly Banten clan ninjas, pledging themselves to protect Miharu from his many attackers.
Keeping apathetic, Miharu attempts to reject their invitation to join their ninja "club."
However, after numerous attacks, he finds no choice but to join their group as a means for his survival.
Slowly, Miharu takes a step closer to becoming the ruler of Nabari.

Genres: Action, ComedyDrama,FantasyShounenSupernatural

Personal opinion:
(this is probably gonna be very confusing since I generally suck at telling my opinion and expressing my feelings about something, but I tried my best to make my opinion as clear as possible)
I know that this is an anime recommendation but if you prefer reading manga over watching anime I think you should read Nabari no Ou before watching it, since I think the manga is really really good and might be even better than the anime.
Enough of that, let's talk about Miharu x Yoite first:
 In the beginning of the story Miharu is known as the indifferent, apathetic boy who doesn't talk a lot and doesn't have any friends.
He quite soon gets to know Raimei and Kouichi and befriends them but his personality doesn't change and he keeps up his apathatic appearance.
until, and now comes the good part, he meets sensitive unsociable Yoite who practically dislikes every living thing on earth (they meet in episode 3 btw). 
At first they're enemies but when Miharu is being forced by Yoite to use the ''Shinrabanshou'' -to fulfil Yoite's dream of totally disappearing from the face of earth without leaving any evidence that he ever existed- they become closer and closer. 
After a while apathetic Miharu starts to warm up to Yoite, user of the ''kira'' technique. 
The cost of using this technique is the loss of Yoite's ki or life force, gradually losing his five senses (his life). 
As Yoite gets weaker and weaker, he starts depending on Miharu who takes care of him more and more. Because of the fact that throughout the series secrets only the two of them know start to pile up, they start to trust eachother more and more, which makes their friendship incredibly strong. 
I think it's just really cute how Miharu acts around Yoite, it really is the most adorable thing on earth. You know, how he takes care of Yoite, how he smiles at Yoite, how he talks to Yoite, how he always comforts Yoite etc. 

There are a lot of moments in the anime with obvious shounen-ai hints that just make you think are they gay or what? so it's very shippable. The friendship between Miharu and Yoite is just really strong and beautiful which makes the already enjoyable anime even more enjoyable.

I don't have a lot to say about Gau x Raiko since they don't have so much screentime and their first appearance together is in one of the later episodes. What I can tell you is that Gau - in my eyes - is this typical high school boy who has a crush on his senpai, in thise case Raikou. Gau respects Raikou a lot, and cares about him and only him. This is mainly because he was saved by Raikou 3 years ago, and is thus extremely devoted to him. 

None of these pairings are canon and this is all just my opinion and some people might not share this opinion so you just gotta trust me on my words.
In the end I think that you have to find out for yourself if you like Nabari no Ou or not, and you should definitely give it a shot. Even if you don't like slashable and shounen-ai I think you should still give it a try since the anime itself is very beautiful and inspirational with a nice combination of action, drama and comedy. It left a great mark on me and is and will always be my favorite anime. It's suitable for both boys and girls even though it's listed as a shounen, and if you like action and supernatural what are you waiting for?

Alright, if you stuck with me until the end of this post thanks a lot for reading it, I made this post bc I wanted all of you to be able to feel what I felt when I watched Nabari no Ou, kinda.
Anyways, thanks for reading, and catch you laterrr.

Bye bye

Tuesday 12 August 2014


How does one start their first blog post? I don't really know but I'll start off with introducing myself:
I'm Umi, well actually I'm not, I don't want to reveal my real identity tbh so I'm gonna keep it at that and add the fact that I'm currently 15 which is not a lie. 
Manga and anime are of great importance in my life and I honestly don't want to know what kind of creature I would be right now if I hadn't started watching anime. 
Starting a blog is always risky since I always end up regretting it, but oh well why not.
I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now, you know to write anime and manga reviews and rant over anime boys. 
I'll make some top ten manga, recommendations and anime lists too just for the heck of it. 
I honestly have no idea how to get people to read my blog because I don't feel like putting it on twitter or facebook because I know I'm gonna regret that later on, and even if no one is gonna read it, I'll keep posting because I just think it's fun.
I know I'm acting secretive and all but I'm honestly - and I swear this on Hiroshi Kamiya - not a 50 year old pervert who reviews hentai for a living. It is up to you to believe me now.
Alrighty this'll be my first post and I know it's short but I'll try making it longer next time. I have yet to figure out how to make my blog look a bit cuter too hehe. 

Umi is counting on you, yoroshiku onegaishimasu ☆〜(ゝ。∂)