Saturday 23 August 2014

A little bit of chit-chat

Hi there,
It is the third time I started writing this post since I forgot to save it twice.
So well this post isn't anime related sorry for that, but today I decided to just talk about unimportant shit since that is always a nice thing to do.
So first of all, it's 9:51 am and I'm sitting in a car rn, on my way to Amsterdam where I'll be staying today and tomorrow. I'll be going together with my grandma, mum and sister.
We're going shopping today and tomorrow we're gonna visit Het Rijksmuseum. 
I'm looking forward to it!

The second thing I wanna share with you is that two days ago I went into town with a friend since she needed a new pair of jeans.
After said friend bought a pait of Cheap Monday jeans we went eating and drinking something at Bagels & Beans: a blueberry muffin and ice tea green tea, and let me tell you, I love blueberry muffins, love.
After that we went to the little comic store that sells manga here, I'm lucky to have one since this town doesn't actually have so many stores.
In said comic store I bought the fourth Volume of Nabari no Ou.
I got Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and 13 now, don't ask me why I skipped all the way to volume 10 and then went to 13 I don't even know it myself tbh, I just liked the covers of them.
Here's a pic of Volume 4:

It's a blurry picture but it's the only one I made of it and since I didn't take the manga with me to Amsterdam I can't make a better picture rn.
I think that this is the "ugliest" cover of the manga series yet, since I don't really like Raimei's pigtails and clothes idk, I like the ones with the guys on it better.

A few days ago I also started watching a show on netflix called New Girl.
The show was aired in 2011 but I had never watched it before.
And now let me tell you, it is addicting, just like Sherlock, don't even get me started on Sherlock.
At first I just watched two or so episodes (they last 20 minutes) a day but yesterday I kind of watched the rest of the first season which has a total of 25 episodes so well yeah.
It's about a weird girl who starts to live with three even weirder guys, and every episode is just about their regular lives and stuff.
It's a romcom show and it's very funny, it really gives you a boost whenever you're sad.
The girl is played by Zooey Deschanel and one of the guys by Jake Johnson, and I like both of them a lot so that's mainly why I'm so addicted. 
I'll show you a pic of one of the guys, Schmidt, who is wearing a plastic bag because he has to shower and his broken penis (yes he actually broke his penis don't ask) isn't allowed to get wet so he has to keep it dry by wearing a waterproof plastic bag, basically.

And well I guess that's all I have to say really, this was a shit post the next one will be betyer, I hope you enjoyed reading it just a little bit tho.

Umi is out byebye ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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